Friday, March 27, 2009

From Trash to Treasure

Did you know that American companies toss out 7.6 billion tons of waste each year, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Where does all this trash go?

At five ACCESSORIES, we are turning trash into treasure. For example, the two bags shown here handmade by a fair trade co-operative in Honduras, are made from recycled potato chip bags. Ladies are collecting trash off the streets of Honduras as an alternative to burning the trash and weaving it into clutches. Each clutch is signed by the artisan who made the bag. The silver clutch is the inside lining of the chip bag. The multi-colored clutch is made out of a variety of Doritos, Lay's and Fritos chip bags.

You can check out more recycled items at Let's support turning trash into treasure!

1 comment:

  1. I love the potato chip bags! They are perfect for a night out! They stand out and look great with a little black dress!
